OpenAI made waves over the last few days because of leaked-then-confirmed news of a $200 per month GPT pro mode. A few folks have taken this as (further) confirmation that the scaling hypothesis is dead, AGI is over hyped, there's no threat to human/no need to worry about AI safety, and, of course, these things were never that big a deal to begin with. Surely the increasing focus on commercialization is indicative?
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Tech Things: GPT Pro and the state of AI
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OpenAI made waves over the last few days because of leaked-then-confirmed news of a $200 per month GPT pro mode. A few folks have taken this as (further) confirmation that the scaling hypothesis is dead, AGI is over hyped, there's no threat to human/no need to worry about AI safety, and, of course, these things were never that big a deal to begin with. Surely the increasing focus on commercialization is indicative?